[ CG Animation ]
Set in early 2000s Japan, “Strawberry Cake” is a poignant mixed-media short film blending 2D and 3D animation. The narrative follows a young girl in love with her best friend, grappling with the fear of her own feelings and societal judgment. Her internal turmoil is vividly portrayed through a monster that shadows her every move, symbolizing her anxiety and fear. The sound design is intricately woven into this theme, with the monster's presence marked not by traditional sounds, but by distorted whispers and glitchy noises, embodying the social anxiety and dread that haunts her. We've employed Foley techniques, voice acting, and original music compositions.
Animation by Maria Cristina Falletta, Francesca Valente, Stefano Davighi, Greta Giano, Enrico Girelli, Giulia Goggi.